I think I get about 30-40 emails every day that are trying to move me towards making a purchase or …
Launch Something That Can Orbit
When entrepreneurs try to launch a new product or service, how different can it be from all that goes into …
September is Coming
It’s summer and most us us like to get the most out of the vacation season. But for entrepreneurs it’s …
Connecting to your Niche
Connecting with your Ideal customer and client is the most important thing your business needs to do. In order to …
The ROI of Strategy
When we socialize with a professional strategist we all presume we know exactly what that person does and how they …
Analyze This and That
One of the effects of a lot of people constantly pursuing the newest platform to become an influencer on, or …
Stay in your lane and go faster
There’s too much swan necking and lane changing going on with online entrepreneurs. And most, if not all of it …
Owning Your Audience
Owning your audience might seem like a lofty goal, but it’s not. It’s what all the most successful entrepreneurs do. …
Why It All Works
When I set out to create a podcast about marketing, particularly online marketing. I wanted to help people get better …
Organic Traffic Jam
Organic traffic is one of the most sought after things entrepreneurs are looking for. And not so long ago it …
Self Inflicted Marketing Pain
It’s not fun when your marketing isn’t able to support or grow your business. But it’s exponentially worse when you …