It All Works Podcast Episode 18

Why It All Works

When I set out to create a podcast about marketing, particularly online marketing. I wanted to help people get better results from their efforts. It was never going to be about one method being better than another. I don’t discuss if summits are better than webinar series, or if ads are better than organic traffic growth tactics.

It is about helping people create or use the right strategy under the right conditions. So, while many people have their favourite marketing strategies they like to use, and might believe all the other don’t work. I try to share why and how each strategy does work.
Basically, It All Works…. when done properly under the right conditions.

Making It All Work

Here’s a little task you should consider doing when you are thinking of your next marketing project by asking yourself these questions.

  1. Does the strategy fit your skill and ability
  2. Does the strategy fit your budget of time and money
  3. Will it complement your marketing calendar.
  4. It is the best choice to reach targets and goals you have set
  5. Can you optimize it to suit your business.
  6. Can you execute it without having to cut corners.

And I would make sure you ask yourself those questions in that exact order. If you do answer no for one of these questions, figure out if you can overcome that obstacle or start looking at other strategies that might be a better fit.

As always, I’m here for any questions you might have and I always look forward to hearing from my listeners.
If you have any questions about this episode you can email me just by CLICKING HERE

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It All Works has a Facebook group for entrepreneurs that are marketing motivated. I expand on the episode conversations there. Opportunities and challenges are part of the culture. This group is for highly active participating members only, and spectators should beware! Click the group image to join.