It All Works Podcast Episode 3

Lead Magnet Legitimacy

If you are looking for history on the origin of an online lead magnet, you’ll struggle to find it. It’s like it manifested itself. But it’s something that happened before the internet. Before we could passively make free offers to people in exchange for information, we had to ask for it… in person yikes! No matter which way we did them, in person, on print or online, the goal remained the same. But the stakes are higher now, because it’s not a novelty anymore and people are a little more reluctant to share their email address and give you permission to contact them!

I’m going to be talking about Lead Magnets. Because they can really work for your business if they are done well.  Getting leads or contact information gives your business a second chance to have a conversation, share a little bit of that thing you do and get discovered.  A Lead magnet can get you those leads. They are still very effective, but there’s more to it now. More than just the mechanics, we need to consider what makes a great lead magnet these days.

Making It All Work

To help you get started on creating a better lead magnet, the first step is in the planning stage.

You need to take what you already know about your ideal client or customer, and figure our where you fit in their journey. You need to figure out where and when your product or service needs to show up in peoples lives. And you need to know the timeline of when your lead magnet offer that can make an impact, intersects with when people are ready for that impact.

You need to figure out where and when your offer should enter peoples live and build it around that. You need to know where that entry point is and pick up the conversation through your offer. You will be visible to people that are having the conversation in their head, and if you’ve done it right, you’ll be discovered and invited into that conversation. And thats when you can start to help people and succeed at the same time.

If you have any questions you can email me just by CLICKING HERE

It All Works has a Facebook group for entrepreneurs that are marketing motivated. I expand on the episode conversations there. Opportunities and challenges are part of the culture. This group is for highly active participating members only, and spectators should beware! Click the group image to join.