The Group Revision

We have enjoyed Facebook Groups as part of the social media ecosystem for just over a decade now. They offer a cool, possibly private area for people sharing a common interest to go and consume content, but also participate and network, and so many more things.

There are multiple purposes for groups and there are also varying ways people choose to participate in one. So, when we endeavour to add a Facebook Group into our business infrastructure, it becomes complicated.

Making a Facebook Group work for you is no easy task, that is if you want to do it right. Again, people often are in awe of the size of the group, rather than the purpose, value or effectiveness. But, they really work if you do them properly and under the right conditions. This weeks podcast talks about many views people might not have considered and hopefully it will help you with your group!

Making It All Work

How do you decide if you should have a Facebook Group as part of you businesses infrastructure. Consider the following.

  1. Will it draw attention or cultivate leads for your business, while still creating an environment that people will gravitate too?
  2. Will you be able to create original content that is exclusive to the group that helps spread your message?
  3. Will you be able to create a group that will allow others to participate without your message getting lost or missing your goal.
  4. Will you be able to be active in it and it be a good investment of your time?

The answers to those 4 questions will help you decide if a Facebook group is right for you at this time. Believe me, it’s not for everyone. I’ve seen just as many group close as I have open. The main thing to keep in mind, and I know it sounds broad. Will it have purpose and be a valuable add to your business? If you have any question on this topic you can email me from this episodes page, I love hearing from my listeners.

I hope you enjoyed this episode about Facebook Groups. There was a mixture of personal experience, observation and input from various member and owners of different groups.

I’ll be releasing another new episodes next Monday and this works nicely with what’s going on in It All Works Facebook Group , were you can find extra content and interactions on each weekly topic.

If you have any questions you can email me just by CLICKING HERE

It All Works has a Facebook group for entrepreneurs that are marketing motivated. I expand on the episode conversations there. Opportunities and challenges are part of the culture. This group is for highly active participating members only, and spectators should beware! Click the group image to join.